Famous Muslim Figures across Time: Aisha Bint Abu Bakr
Dina Essawy
22 Oct 2018
Many women, during Prophet Muhammad’s time, had a great influence on the spread of Islam across the Arab world and beyond. One of these influential female figures was one of Prophet Muhammad’s wives, Aisha Bint Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with her) who is known as the Mother of the Believers.
From her childhood, Aisha Bint Abu Bakr was intelligent and quick witted. Her father was Prophet Muhammad’s closest friend and the first Caliph to rule the Muslim world after the Prophet’s death PBUH.
During their marriage, she was able to understand the Quran and interpret its teachings due to her close proximity to Prophet Muhammad. She became so knowledgeable in Islam that people began coming to her for guidance and advice.
When asked to describe the Prophet (PBUH), Aisha replied that he was “a walking Quran”, meaning that he embodied all of Islam’s teachings. Therefore, she worked to follow in his footsteps. She memorized the Quran by heart, as well as much of the Sunnah.
During many of the battles that were fought at the time, she was present to provide aide to the wounded and bring water to the battlefield. Many Hadiths were narrated by her as she memorized them from the Prophet (PBUH).
After the Prophet’s death, she became a beacon guiding many Muslims to continue following his words, becoming an example of endurance and piety to all Muslim women.
Learn Quran: Surat Al Bakarah
Surat Al-Bakarah is the second and longest chapter or surah in the holy Quran. It has 289 verses, 6,201 words and 25,500 letters. Its name ‘Al-Bakarah’ means The Cow. The recitation of Surat Al Bakarah has many benefits for Muslims, the most important of which is that Surat Al Bakarah protects those who recite it from the devil and the evil eye. It is known to ward off the devil from the house in which it is recited for three days.
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Learn Quran with Tajweed Rules: The Meem Sakinah
In order to learn Quran with tajweed you have to encounter the Meem Sakinah and apply its three different tajweed rules for pronunciation: Idgham with Ghunnah, Oral Ikhfaa also known as Ikhfaa Shafawi إخفاء شفوي and Oral Izhar, also known as Izhar shafawi إظهار شفوي.
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Learn Arabic words and phrases: Arabic Numbers (Six to Ten)
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