Dua'a in the Morning and Evening
Dina Essawy
22 Oct 2018
In order to keep Allah close to our hearts, we must always remember Him through Dhikr (short phrases of glorifying and praising Allah are repeatedly recited silently within the mind or aloud) and Dua'a (prayer and supplication).
"And remember your Lord much and exalt [Him with praise] in the evening and the morning." [Al-Imran, 41]
Islam instructs us to read the Quran as often as we can, and it also instructs us to say Dua'a. There are a lot of Dua'a in the morning and the evening to bless our days and nights, protect us from evil and sin, and remind us all to remain faithful to Allah at all times. That way we may be sure to follow in Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) footsteps, as most of these Dua'a were recited by him.
Some hadiths mention the importance of reciting Dhikr:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Whoever says in the morning 'La Ilaaha Illa Allah Wahdahu La Shareeka Lah, Lahul Mulk Wa Lahul Hamd Wa huwa 'ala Kulli Shay'in Qadeer [There is no god but Allaah Alone, with no partner or associate. To Him belongs praise and to Him belongs sovereignty, and He is capable of all things.],' gets a reward equivalent to that of emancipating a slave from the children of Isma‘eel (Ishmael); ten good deeds will be written for him; ten sins will be wiped out from him; he will be raised ten degrees, and he will be protected from the devil until the evening; and if he says the same thing in the evening, he gets the same reward (as mentioned) until the morning.”
As for the evening, it is preferred to recite dhikr and dua'a between Asr and Maghrib prayers: “Whoever recites the last two verses of Soorat al-Baqarah at night, that will be sufficient for him.” (al-Bukhari, 4008; Muslim, 807).
Remaining close to the Quran and dhikr will solidify our faith and ensure that we shall always remember the words of Allah and our dear Prophet (PBUH), and that Allah is always watching over us all.
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