Learn Arabic Words and Phrases: Greetings Part 1
Asmaa Akl
11 Nov 2019
If you want to be able to read as well as understand basic Arabic texts, you need to acquire some basic vocabulary. Basic communication phrases to express your gratitude, hospitality and some different forms of greeting would greatly help you in your journey to learn Arabic. Although self-learning is a good first step to learn Arabic, it is always preferable to seek guidance in order to learn properly.
If you want to learn Arabic words and phrases, this phrase is essential to start with.
Alsalam aalaikom w rahamato Allah w barakatoh (السلامُ عليكم ورحمةُ الله وبركاته) translated as peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you, is the official Islamic greeting used by all Muslims around the world.
To which the normal answer would be w aalaikom alsalamw rahmato Allah w barakatoh, (وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله و بركاته), translated as peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you too.
The phrase (السلامُ عليكم ورحمةُ الله) is also used to end all prayers. People often use a shortened version of this phrase, which is alsalam aalaikom (السلام عليكم), and in turn a shorter response, which is w aalaikom alsalam (وعليكم السلام).
Depending on the time of day, you can use the Arabic phrases Sabah al-kheir (صباح الخير), translated as good morning, and Masaa al-kheir (مساء الخير), translated as good evening.
There isn't; however, a separate equivalent for good afternoon in the Arabic language, but Masaa al-Kheir (مساء الخير) is used for it as well.
(Al Salam Alaikom - W Alaikom Al Salam)
Ahlan w Sahlan (أهلاً وسهلًا) is an Arabic phrase which literally translates to family and easy, which makes more sense when we look deeper into the origin of the phrase, which is Halalt Ahlan w Wati’t Sahlan (حللت أهلًا ووطئت سهلًا) translated as "May you arrive as part of the family, and tread an easy path." This phrase is usually used to say welcome.
The Arabic word, we use the word Shukran (شكرًا), translated as thank you, in order to express our gratitude to someone. Sometimes we also add the Arabic word Jazilan (جزيلًا) after Shukran (شكرًا), which serves like ''very much'', in order to express extreme thankfulness. The Arabic response to this would be Al-Afu (العفو) which can be loosely translated as “you’re welcome”
If you wish to learn more Arabic words and phrases, you are welcome to join us at Nour Academy where we offer Arabic classes, internally developed especially for people who wish to learn Arabic online for scratch.
Shukran (شكرًا) for reading our article and ahlan w sahlan (أهلًا وسهلًا)
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